Friday, April 12, 2013

New adventures.

We returned home on November 2, 2012 after a 299 day, 23,530 mile drive to Florida and Alaska and many other places.  At home we worked on getting ready to move and sell our house.   When our house was ready to show and we needed a break from packing we put our house on the market on March 20.  Then we left home to drive to Taylor, Texas to work as US MAPS RV Volunteers on helping build a new First Assembly of God Church.  April 1, our first day working on the job we sold our house for market value.  We completed one week as volunteers hanging drywall for a firewall in the church attic, visited our granddaughter and family in Round Rock, Texas and headed back to PA.  Some other things we did on our drive to Texas were we took things to storage in Springfield, Missouri.  And we had a meeting at Maranatha Village, an Assembly of God Retirement Community in Springfield, MO to review plans for a new duplex unit we will have built as our future home.  This duplex is in a nice location at the back of the 100 acre development next to the RV parking area.  The foundation was built about 2 years ago, and although there are no independent living units available at Maranatha no one bought this unit.  After seeing Maranatha we visited friends we met in Alaska at their home in Mountain Home, Arkansas.  The buyers of our house had a home inspection done which found nothing to fix.  Our real estate agent said she thinks this is the first house to pass inspection with nothing wrong.  Pretty amazing.  Through the U-Haul web site I hired moving helpers to help us pack a moving truck on 4-19.  Less than an hour after I hired the helpers the moving company increased their hourly rate by $10 per hour.  God is awesome.  After we get home tomorrow we’ll have 5 days to finish packing and get rid of more stuff before we load the rental truck and drive back to Missouri.  Glad we didn’t wait till we’re 80 for this move.  A few pictures follow.

Granddaughter Kaitlin, Stan, Barb and dogs on hike near Round Rock, TX

 First drywall job, First Assembly of God in Taylor, TX

Duplex foundation at Maranatha Village.

 Pond at Maranatha Village. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, friends, hope you are doing well in your current adventure. We haven't forgotten you. Penny and Ben Barnes
