Saturday, June 2, 2012

We had a wonderful time in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.  However, the weather was mostly cloudy with intermittent snow, rain, and sleet for about a week.  The snow added an extra dimension of beauty to the scenery and some roads were closed due to snow.  On the day we drove to Yellowstone the road we wanted to take opened 1 hour before we entered the park and was closed the next day.  On our last day in the park we drove the road past Mt Washburn on the first day of the year it was open.  Following are a few of the many pictures we took in Yellowstone.  After 6 nights at Madison Campground in Yellowstone (where we didn’t have internet or cell phone service) we drove to Helena, Montana for some shopping and traveled on to Glacier National Park.  The weather is warmer here due to the lower elevation but it’s mostly cloudy with showers.  The road to Logan Pass is closed due to snow.  Tomorrow we drive to Canada to Waterton Lake to start our tour of the Canadian Rockies.    

Lewis Lake in Yellowstone NP 5-24-12

Elk near hot springs

Old Faithful Geyser


Hot Spring

Lower Yellowstone Falls

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