Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Over the border

Today is the 149th day of our vacation.  We’ve driven over 10,800 miles and are about at the mid-point of our trip.  Tonight we are in a private campground in Canal Flats BC with Wi-Fi (yea).  We spent 1 1/2 days in Waterton Lakes NP which was beautiful.  At Waterton we saw 4 black bears, 8 mountain sheep, 3 moose, and lots of other wildlife.  Every place we go (almost) we hate to leave.  Following are 6 pictures from Waterton Lakes NP.  In Canada we’re learning to think metric.  Gas in British Columbia is about $5 per gallon (and we’re not in a remote area yet).  Tomorrow we drive to Radium Hot Springs and Kootenay National Park.  Not sure if we’ll go swimming in the hot springs since it may be raining. 
You Can take it all with you!

Mama black bear (2 cubs nearby).

Two are better than one (Harlequin duck).

Rocky mountain sheep posing in Waterton townsite.

Columbian ground squirrel heaven (Waterton campground). 

Barb near ice covered Cameron Lake (on June 3).

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