Friday, August 10, 2012

From Soldotna to Tok, Alaska

After over 2 weeks in Soldotna we headed back to Anchorage and towards Canada.  We visited the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center near Portage Valley on our drive to Anchorage.  Near Palmer we visited the Musk Ox Farm, a non-profit organization.  Musk Ox are farmed for the qiviut or under-wool, which is 8 times warmer than sheeps wool by weight and will not shrink.  The yarn made from the qiviut is hand-knitted by over 200 Eskimo knitters to help support their subsistence life style.  We were in Valdez for 3 days and saw wildlife and learned about the history of Valdez.  We camped at Allison Point near the Alaska pipeline terminal.  We visited part of the north side of Wrangell-St.Elias National Park by driving 41 miles (one-way) on the Nabesna road.  The road was very rough in places and crossed several dry stream beds.  This park is the largest US national park and is the size of 6 Yellowstone parks.  It includes 9 of the 16 highest peaks in the US.  Glaciers cover about 5,000 square miles of the park.  The Malaspina glacier is the size of Rhode Island.  The world’s longest interior valley glacier, the Nabesna Glacier, is over 75 miles long.  Tomorrow, August 10 we’ll drive to Chicken, Alaska, and the next day we’ll be over the border into the Yukon and Dawson City.   
Worthington Glacier near Valdez.

Snowdrift in Thompson Pass on Aug 7 near Valdez.

Gulls and Salmon in Valdez harbor.

Seals and gulls in Valdez harbor. 

Matanuskua Glacier along the Glenn Highway.

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